Wednesday, October 28, 2009

History of Information Technology and System

• Four basic periods
Characterized by a principal technology used to solve the input, processing, output and communication problems of the time:
1. Premechanical,
2. Mechanical,
3. Electromechanical, and
4. Electronic

A. The Premechanical Age: 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.

1. Writing and Alphabets--communication.
1. First humans communicated only through speaking and picture drawings.
2. 3000 B.C., the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (what is today southern Iraq) devised cuniform
3. Around 2000 B.C., Phoenicians created symbols
4. The Greeks later adopted the Phoenician alphabet and added vowels; the Romans gave
the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use today.
2. Paper and Pens--input technologies.
1. Sumerians' input technology was a stylus that could scratch marks in wet clay.
2. About 2600 B.C., the Egyptians write on the papyrus plant
3. around 100 A.D., the Chinese made paper from rags, on which modern-day papermaking is
3. Books and Libraries: Permanent Storage Devices.
1. Religious leaders in Mesopotamia kept the earliest "books"
2. The Egyptians kept scrolls
3. Around 600 B.C., the Greeks began to fold sheets of papyrus vertically into leaves and bind
them together.
4. The First Numbering Systems.
1. Egyptian system: The numbers 1-9 as vertical lines, the number 10 as a U or circle, the
number 100 as a coiled rope, and the number 1,000 as a lotus blossom.
2. The first numbering systems similar to those in use today were invented between 100 and
200 A.D. by Hindus in India who created a nine-digit numbering system.
3. Around 875 A.D., the concept of zero was developed.
5. The First Calculators: The Abacus.

One of the very first information processors.

B. The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840
1. The First Information Explosion.
1. Johann Gutenberg (Mainz, Germany)
Bulleted List - Invented the movable metal-type printing process in 1450.
2. The development of book indexes and the widespread use of page numbers.

2. The first general purpose "computers"
- Actually people who held the job title "computer: one who works with numbers."
Slide Rules, the Pascaline and Leibniz's Machine.
- Slide Rule.

Early 1600s, William Oughtred, an English clergyman, invented the slide rule
- Early example of an analog computer.

Concept and History of Information Technology

Information technology is a manifestation of public & private investment in science & engineering (S&E) that is enabling broad and significant changes in society. Many observation, compare the rapid development and expansion of information technology to the industrial revolution in terms of its potential scope & impact on society. Few other modern advances in technology have the capacity to affect so fundamentally the way people work live, learn and govern themselves. As with the industrial revolution, both the time and direction of many changes are difficult to predict.
The relationship between IT& science & engineering has two aspects. In addition to being a product of science and engineering, IT enabling change in S&E. IT has become on important part of the Indian economy for example S&E make extensive use of computer modeling & simulation and large share of database advances in networking facilitate global collaboration in research and product development, implement the results of academic research and conduct significant amounts of applied R&D, IT also influences the pipeline for S&E through its affects on the demand for people with technical skills and through its use in education at all levels.
Information technology reflects the combination of three technologies, digital computing, data storage and ability to transmit digital signal through telecommunication network. Rapid change in semiconductors technology, information storage & networking, combined with advance in software, has enabled new application, cost reduction and widespread diffusion of IT. The expanding array application makes IT more useful & further fuels the expansion of IT.

Information is a resource which has no value until it is extracted, processed and utilized. Information technology deals with information system, data storage, access, retrieval, analysis and intelligent decision making. Information technology refers to the creation, gathering, processing, storage, presentation and dissemination of information and also the processes and devices that enable all this to be done.
Information technology is affecting us as individual and as a society. Information technology stands firmly on hardware and software of a computer and tele-communication infrastructure.

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